Kazhdan seminar on representations of p-adic groups Sun, 04/12/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 and Zoom
Kazhdan seminar, Shai Evra "Arthur's classification of automorphic representations of classical groups" Sun, 04/12/202212:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 and Zoom
Kazhdan seminar on representations of p-adic groups Sun, 27/11/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 and Zoom
Kazhdan seminar, Shai Evra "Arthur's classification of automorphic representations of classical groups" Sun, 27/11/202212:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 and Zoom
Dynamics Seminar: Joshua Frisch (École Normale Supérieure) - Automorphism groups of low complexity subshifts Tue, 06/12/202212:00-13:00
Probability seminar: Renan Gross (WIS) - The duplicube graph - a hybrid of structure and randomness Mon, 16/01/202314:00-15:00Location: Sprinzak 29
T&G: Sebastian Haney (Columbia), Mirror Lagrangians to lines in the mirror quintic Tue, 29/11/202218:00-19:00Location: Ross 70
T&G: Or Kedar (Hebrew University), The Fukaya A-infinity algebra of a non-orientable Lagrangian Tue, 22/11/202218:00-19:00Location: Ross 70