Game Theory & Math Economics: Bezalel Peleg (HUJI) - "Choosing k from m : Feasible elimination procedures reconsidered" (joint with Hans Peters) Sun, 25/01/201516:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Hans Peters (Maastricht University) - "An axiomatic characterization of the Owen-Shapley spatial power index" Sun, 01/03/201516:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Nabil Al-Najjar (Northwestern University) - "Aggregative Utility in Large Populations" (joint with Luciano Pomatto) Sun, 08/03/201516:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Philip J. Reny (University of Chicago) - "Sequential Equilibrium in Multi-Stage Games with Infinite Sets of Types and Actions" Sun, 03/05/201516:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Yonatan Aumann (Bar-Ilan University) - "A Conceptual Foundation for the Theory of Risk Aversion" Sun, 17/05/201516:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Ben Brooks (University of Chicago) - "An algorithm for two-player stochastic games with perfect monitoring" Sun, 31/05/201516:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Yuval Peres (Microsoft Research) - "Towards Optimal Algorithms for Prediction with Expert Advice" Sun, 07/06/201516:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Sergiu Hart (HUJI) - "Evidence Games: Truth and Commitment" (joint work with Ilan Kremer, and Motty Perry) Sun, 25/10/201516:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Ilan Kremer (HUJI) - "Voluntary Tests and Disclosure: Benefits of Minimum Standards" Sun, 03/01/201616:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Itzhak Gilboa (Tel-Aviv University, HEC Paris) - "Weighted Utilitarianism, Edgeworth, and the Market" (joint work with Rossella Argenziano) Sun, 06/03/201616:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Amir Ban (Tel-Aviv University) - "When should an expert make a prediction?" (joint work with Yossi Azar, Yishay Mansour) Sun, 13/03/201616:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Noam Nisan (HUJI) - "Pricing Complexity" Wed, 07/02/201818:45Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Dubra Juan (Universidad de Montevideo) - "A Theory of Rational Attitude Polarization" (joint work with Jean-Pierre Benoit) Sun, 10/04/201616:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Christian C. Opp (University of Pennsylvania) - "Can Decentralized Markets be More Efficient?" (joint work with Vincent Glode) Sun, 22/05/201616:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen (IST Austria) - "Complexity of Good Strategies in Stochastic Games" Sun, 13/11/201616:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus