T&G: Laura Starkston (UC Davis), Unexpected fillings, singularities, and plane curve arrangements Tue, 25/05/202118:00-19:00
T&G: Otis Chodosh (Stanford), Classifying sufficiently connected positive scalar curvature 4 and 5 manifolds Tue, 29/06/202118:00-19:00
Basic Notions: Alex Lubotzky (HUJI) "From Ramanujan graphs to Ramanujan complexes". Thu, 20/05/202116:00-17:15Location: ZOOM
Basic Notions: Alex Lubotzky (HUJI) "From Ramanujan graphs to Ramanujan complexes". Thu, 27/05/202116:00-17:15Location: ZOOM
Guest seminar - Allen Yuan Repeats every 2 weeks every Monday until Sun May 23 2021 . Mon, 12/04/202121:00-23:00Location: https://zoom.us/j/4114878653
Kazhdan seminar: Joseph Bernstein and Erez Lapid "Eisenstein series and spectral theory of automorphic forms" Repeats every week every Sunday until Wed Jun 30 2021 except Sun May 16 2021. Sun, 09/05/202115:00-17:00
Dynamics seminar: Tsviqa Lakrec (Huji) Equidistribution of affine random walks on some nilmanifolds Tue, 11/05/202114:00-15:00
Dynamics seminar: Frank Lin (BGU) A topological dynamical system with two different positive sofic entropies Tue, 04/05/202114:00-15:00
Dynamics and probability seminar: Alon Nishry (TAU) Moments of trigonometric polynomials with random multiplicative coefficients Tue, 22/06/202114:00-15:00
T&G: Cheuk Yu Mak (University of Edinburgh), Non-displaceable Lagrangian links in four-manifolds Tue, 04/05/202118:00-19:00
Combinatorics: David Zisselman (HUJI) Mon, 26/04/202110:30-12:30Location: https://huji.zoom.us/j/86972514167?pwd=MDI1U3dTZFFqMnlNcGVrZnR0ZXhKZz09
Groups Grad Students seminar Repeats every week every Wednesday 1 times . Wed, 28/04/202116:00-17:30Location: Room 110, Manchester building, Jerusalem, Israel