Kazhdan Sunday seminar, Yakov Varshavsky "Geometric Langlands correspondence in the l-adic setting" (80979 in shnaton) Sun, 27/03/202210:00-12:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Logic Seminar - Daniel Iosub Wed, 23/03/202211:00-13:00Location: Via zoom: Meeting ID: 891 8649 9242 , Passcode: 360371
HUJI NT Seminar - Sam Grushevsky "Non-isomorphic smooth compactifications of moduli of cubic surfaces" Mon, 04/04/202214:30-16:00
Grad student seminar - Timo Krisam and Johanna Steinmeyer Mon, 06/06/202216:00-18:00Location: Manchester faculty room
Graduate student seminar - George Peterzil and Tzoor Plotnikov Mon, 11/04/202216:00-18:15Location: Manchester faculty room
Graduate student seminar - Arye Deutsch and Ziv Maayan Mon, 09/05/202216:00-18:00Location: Manchester faculty room
Erdős Lecture 2 (Combinatorics seminar): Shachar Lovett (UC San Diego) - The monomial structure of Boolean functions Mon, 04/04/202211:00-13:00Location: Sprinzak 202
Kazhdan Sunday seminar: Tomer Schlank and Shmuel Elitzur "Stable homotopy, Quantum field theories, and phases of condensed matter" (80983 in shnaton) Sun, 20/03/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar, Yakov Varshavsky "Geometric Langlands correspondence in the l-adic setting" (80979 in shnaton) Sun, 20/03/202212:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Logic Seminar - Zlil Sela Wed, 16/03/202211:00-13:00Location: Via zoom: Meeting ID: 891 8649 9242 , Passcode: 360371