Analysis Seminar: Netanel Levi "A decomposition of the Laplacian on symmetric metric graphs" Wed, 28/11/201812:00-13:00Location: Room 70, Ross Building
NT&AG: Eyal Subag (Penn State University), "Symmetries of the hydrogen atom and algebraic families" Mon, 31/12/201814:30-15:30Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
Analysis Seminar: Asaf Shachar (HUJI) "Regularity via minors and applications to conformal maps" Wed, 21/11/201812:00-13:00Location: Room 70, Ross Building
Zabrodsky Lecture 1: Geometry of the moduli space of curves Thu, 18/10/201814:30-15:30Location: Manchester House, Lecture Hall 2
Combinatorics Seminar: Yuval Filmus (Technion) "Structure of (almost) low-degree Boolean functions" Mon, 11/03/201911:00-13:00Location: CS bldg, room B500, Safra campus, Givat Ram
Dynamics Lunch: Amir Algom "On \alpha \beta sets." Tue, 23/10/201812:00-13:00Location: Manchester faculty club
Dynamics Lunch: Tsviqa Lakrec "Recurrence properties of random walks on finite volume homogeneous manifold" Tue, 15/01/201912:00-13:00
Basic Notions: Barry Simon "More Tales of our Forefathers (Part II)" Thu, 28/06/201816:00-17:30Location: Manchester Hall 2
Amitsur Symposium: Aner Shalev - "The length and depth of finite groups, algebraic groups and Lie groups" Tue, 26/06/201815:00-16:00Location: Manchester House, Lecture Hall 2
Amitsur Symposium: Malka Schaps - "Symmetric Kashivara crystals of type A in low rank" Tue, 26/06/201811:30-12:30Location: Manchester House, Lecture Hall 2
Amitsur Symposium: Tsachik Gelander - "Local rigidity of uniform lattices" Wed, 27/06/201815:00-16:00Location: Manchester House, Lecture Hall 2
Amitsur Symposium: Amiram Braun - "The polynomial question in modular invariant theory, old and new" Wed, 27/06/201811:30-12:30Location: Manchester House, Lecture Hall 2
Amitsur Symposium: Lev Glebsky - "Approximations of groups by finite and linear groups" Tue, 26/06/201816:30-17:30Location: Manchester House, Lecture Hall 2