T&G: Jeff Hicks (Cambridge), Realizability and Obstruction in Tropical Geometry Tue, 08/06/202118:00-19:00
Analysis Seminar **NOTE THE SPECIAL TIME**: Amir Sagiv (Columbia) — Local and Optimal Transport Perspectives on Uncertainty Quantification Wed, 16/06/202116:00-17:00
Dynamics seminar: Or Shalom (HUJI) A structure theorem for Gowers-Host-Kra seminorms for non-finitely generated countable abelian groups of unbounded torsion Tue, 01/06/202114:00-15:00
Manuel Luethi (TAU) Random walks on homogeneous spaces, SpectralGaps, and Khintchine's theorem on fractals Tue, 15/06/202114:00-15:00
Logic Seminar - Martin Hils Wed, 26/05/202111:00-13:00Location: https://huji.zoom.us/j/82821066522?pwd=aVJnTkxBYktycHdzNFN5WDV0R2FkZz09
Dynamics seminar: Eli Glasner (TAU) TOPOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC FACTORS AND NILSYSTEMS Tue, 25/05/202114:00-15:00Location: Ross 70
Dynamics seminar: Uri Gabor (HUJI): Optimally-finitary isomorphism theorem for i.i.d. processes of equal entropy Tue, 29/06/202114:00-15:00
graduate student seminar - Michael Glasner and Noam Kolodner Mon, 24/05/202116:00-18:00Location: Manchester faculty room
Alex Furman (UIC) - About the phenomena of Super-rigidity and Arithmeticity of locally symmetric manifolds Thu, 17/06/202116:00-17:15
Grad students algebra seminar: Tzoor Plotnikov (HUJI) Sun, 23/05/202110:00-11:30Location: Room 110, Manchester Building, Jerusalem, Israel
Combinatorics: Benny Sudakov (ETH) Mon, 24/05/202110:30-12:30Location: https://huji.zoom.us/j/89603485942?pwd=M0ZoczJZTVFhVzVJVENOb1l6eEJUQT09
T&G: Costante Bellettini (University College London), Existence of hypersurfaces with prescribed-mean-curvature Tue, 01/06/202118:00-19:00