Analysis Seminar: Yehuda Pinchover (Technion) "How large can Hardy-weight be?" Wed, 13/03/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Special group actions seminar. On Tame Subgroups of Finitely Presented Groups: Prof. Rita Gitik, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Thu, 07/02/201910:00-11:00Location: Ross 70
T&G: Sylvain Cappell (NYU), Atiyah-Bott classes and extending representations of fundamental groups of 3-manifolds from part of the boundary Wed, 23/01/201913:00-14:00Location: Room 70, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
Dynamics Seminar: Elon Lindenstrauss (HUJI) - Double variational principle for mean dimension Tue, 19/03/201914:15-15:15
T&G: Michael Khanevsky (Technion), Geometry of sets of Hamiltonian isotopic curves in a symplectic surface Tue, 15/01/201914:00-15:30Location: Room 209, Manchester Building, Jerusalem, Israel
Analysis Seminar: Matthias Keller (Potsdam) "Path integral representations for magnetic Schroedinger operators on graphs" Wed, 15/05/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Dynamics Seminar : Yonatan Gutman (IMPAN). On Almost Lossless Compression Tue, 02/04/201914:15-15:15Location: Ross 70
Set Theory Seminar - Ur Yaar (Set Theory Seminar - Ur Yaar Set Theory Seminar - Ur Yaar Set Theory Seminar - Ur Yaar Set Theory Seminar - Ur Yaar Set Theory Seminar - Ur Yaar )Set Theory Seminar - Ur Yaar Set Theory Seminar - Ur Yaar Wed, 09/01/201914:00-15:30Location: Ross 73
Dynamics Lunch: Nishant Chandgotia "Generic properties of Lebesgue measure preserving transformations of the 2-torus." Tue, 30/04/201912:00-13:00
T&G: David Treumann (Boston College), The Fargues-Fontaine curve for symplectic geometers -- NOTE special time and location Tue, 08/01/201916:00-17:30Location: Room 70, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
Dynamics Lunch: Zemer Kosloff: On the action of the permutation group on the cantor set (after Aldous-Pitman and Stratila-Voiculescu) Tue, 01/01/201912:00-13:00
Analysis Seminar: Itay Londner (UBC) "Interpolation sets and arithmetic progressions" Wed, 20/02/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
GT&ME: Olga Gorelkina (University of Liverpool Management School) - "Collusion via Information Sharing and Optimal Auctions" Sun, 06/01/201914:00-15:30
GT & ME: Rida Laraki (CNRS, Liverpool) - "Majority judgment: a new voting method" (joint with Michel Balinski) Sun, 30/12/201814:00-15:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Yotam Smilansky (HUJI), Multiscale substitution schemes and Kakutani sequences of partitions. Tue, 01/01/201914:15-15:15Location: Ross 70