Kazhdan seminar: Tomer Schlank "The Nonabelian Chabauty Method" Sun, 13/01/201912:00-14:00Location: Ross 70A
Kazhdan seminar: Tomer Schlank "The Nonabelian Chabauty Method" Sun, 25/11/201812:00-14:00Location: Ross 70A
Kazhdan seminar: Karim Adiprasito "Positivity in combinatorics and beyond" Sun, 09/12/201815:00-17:00Location: Ross 70A
Kazhdan seminar: Karim Adiprasito "Positivity in combinatorics and beyond" Sun, 21/10/201815:00-17:00Location: Ross 70A
Basic Notions seminar : Tomer Schlank - Spectra or homotopical Abelian groups Thu, 08/11/201816:00-17:15Location: Ross70
Basic Notions seminar :Tomer Schlank - Spectra or homotopical Abelian groups Thu, 01/11/201816:00-17:15Location: Ross 70
NT & AG Lunch: Yakov Varshavsky "Global class field theory". Mon, 05/11/201813:00-14:00Location: Faculty lounge, Math building
NT & AG Lunch: Yakov Varshavsky "Langlands conjectures" Mon, 12/11/201813:00-14:00Location: Faculty lounge, Math building
NT & AG Lunch: Yakov Varshavsky "Class Field Theory" Mon, 29/10/201813:00-14:00Location: Faculty lounge, Math building
Combinatorics: Michael Chapman, HU, TBA Mon, 12/11/201811:00-13:00Location: Rothberg CS bldg, room B500, Safra campus, Givat Ram
Combinatorics: Michael Simkin, HU, "The threshold problem for Latin squares" Mon, 19/11/201811:00-13:00Location: Rothberg CS bldg, room B500, Safra campus, Givat Ram
NT & AG Lunch: Jasmin Matz "Modular forms" Mon, 22/10/201813:00-14:00Location: Faculty lounge, Math building
Analysis Seminar: Jonathan Breuer (HUJI) "A transfer matrix approach to scaled limits of Christoffel-Darboux kernels" Wed, 31/10/201812:00-13:00Location: Room 70, Ross building
Analysis Seminar: Boaz Slomka (WIS) "An improved bound for Hadwiger’s covering problem via thin shell inequalities for the convolution square" Wed, 24/10/201812:00-13:00Location: Room 70, Ross building