**CANCELED** Analysis Seminar (online): Mira Shamis (Queen Mary University) "On the abominable properties of the Almost Mathieu operator with Liouville frequencies" Wed, 29/12/202114:00-15:00Location: zoom meeting ID: 852 5663 7693
T&G: Kyler Siegel (USC and IAS), On the symplectic complexity of affine varieties Tue, 21/12/202118:00-19:00Location: Zoom
Dynamics lunch: Zemer Kosloff (HUJI): On stochastic integral representations of symmetric alpha stable processes Tue, 14/12/202112:00-13:00
T&G: Chris Wendl (HU Berlin), On transversality and symmetry Tue, 14/12/202118:00-19:00Location: Zoom
Groups & DynamicsT seminar: Ilya Khayutin (Northwestern) - The Mixing Conjecture under GRH Thu, 09/12/202110:00-11:00Location: Ross 70
Combinatorics: Lisa Sauermann (MIT) Mon, 10/01/202216:00-18:00Location: https://huji.zoom.us/j/88356751646?pwd=RGN1ZUI2eTBlREM0SmNjMEtCYW9EQT09
Basic notions: Omer Ben Neria (HUJI) - A Nonstandard Proof of the Spectral Theorem for unbounded Self Adjoint Operators (part 2) Thu, 23/12/202116:00-17:15Location: Ross 70
Basic notions: Omer Ben Neria (HUJI) - A Nonstandard Proof of the Spectral Theorem for unbounded Self Adjoint Operators Thu, 16/12/202116:00-17:15Location: Ross 70
T&G: Pranav Chakravarthy (Hebrew University), Homotopy type of equivariant symplectomorphisms of rational ruled surfaces Tue, 07/12/202118:00-19:00Location: Zoom