Dynamics seminar: Zvi Shem Tov (HUJI) - Arithmetic quantum unique ergodicity (QUE) for quotients of products of 2- and 3-hyperbolic spaces. Tue, 28/12/202114:00-15:00
Combinatorics: Guillermo Pineda Villavicencio (Deakin University, Australia) Mon, 27/12/202115:00-16:45Location: By Zoom: https://huji.zoom.us/j/87401330448?pwd=U1JOdVJ6WnVua1c5K0RqdjVYZGk2Zz09
T&G: Jack Smith (Cambridge), Homological Lagrangian monodromy for monotone tori Tue, 11/01/202218:00-19:00Location: Zoom
Gordon: Jake Solomon (Hebrew University) - "The cylindrical transform" Wed, 15/03/202314:00Location: Israel institute of advanced studies, lecture hall 130
Gordon: Gilbert Weinstein (University of Ariel) - "Gravitational Solitons and Complete Ricci Flat Riemannian Manifolds of Infinite Topological Type" Wed, 29/03/202310:00Location: Israel Institute of Advanced Studies
Gordon: Thomas Körber (University of Vienna) - "Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces" Wed, 22/03/202316:00Location: Israel Institute of Advanced Studies, lecture hall 130
Gordon: Felix Schulze (University of Warwick) - "Generic regularity for minimizing hypersurfaces in dimensions 9 and 10" Wed, 22/03/202310:00-11:00Location: Israel Institute of Advanced Studies
Gordon: Miles Simon (University of Magdeburg) - "Initial stability estimates for Ricci flow and three dimensional Ricci-pinched manifolds" Wed, 22/03/202310:00Location: Israel Institute of Advanced Studies, lecture hall 130
Gordon: Lev Buhovski (Weizmann institute and TAU) - "Nodal count via topological persistence" Wed, 15/03/202310:50Location: Israel institute of advanced studies, lecture hall 130
Gordon: Emanuel Milman (Technion) - "Multi-Bubble Isoperimetric Problems - Old and New" Wed, 15/03/202317:00Location: Lecture hall 2, Manchester building
Gordon Lecture: Gerhard Huisken (MFO and Tubingen) - "Mean curvature encoding physical concepts in General Relativity" Wed, 15/03/202315:30Location: Israel institute of advanced studies, lecture hall 130
Kazhdan seminar: Ehud de Shalit - Difference Equations Repeats every week every Sunday until Sat Jan 15 2022 . Sun, 19/12/202111:00-12:45Location: Ross 70 & Zoom