Graduate student seminar - Jonatan Kogan and Omri Solan Sun, 19/03/202316:00Location: Manchester faculty room
Copenhagen-Jerusalem Combinatorics Seminar - Rosna Paul (Graz University of Technology): "Compatibility Graph of Spanning trees in Simple Drawings" Thu, 16/03/202317:15-19:00Location: Zoom
Dynamics seminar: Shmuel Friedland (UIC) On the zero entropy case of the 2 − 3 conjecture Tue, 16/05/202314:00-15:00
KU-Jerusalem Lunch Seminar: Stavros Papadakis (University of Ioannina) An introduction to unprojection theory Thu, 23/03/202313:00-14:00Location: Levy 6 hall and Zoom
KU-Jerusalem Lunch Seminar: Stavros Papadakis (University of Ioannina) An introduction to unprojection theory, part 1 Thu, 16/03/202313:00-14:00Location: Levy 6 hall and Zoom
Dynamics seminar: Andrei Alpeev (WIS): Amenability is equivalent to the invariant random order extension property Tue, 14/03/202314:00-15:00
AG & NT lunch seminar - Michael Temkin Mon, 13/03/202313:00-14:00Location: Manchester building, Faculty lounge
Copenhagen-Jerusalem Combinatorics Seminar:- Meghana M. Reddy: "On the Number of Edges in Maximal 2-planar Graphs" Thu, 09/03/202317:15-19:00Location: Zoom
Gordon Lecture: Gerhard Huisken (MFO and Tubingen) - "Concepts of quasi-local mass in General Relativity" Wed, 29/03/202311:30Location: Israel Institute of Advanced Studies
Gordon Lecture: Gerhard Huisken (MFO and Tubingen) - "Inverse mean curvature flows" Wed, 22/03/202314:30Location: Israel Institute of Advanced Studies, lecture hall 130
Analysis: Matthias Keller (Potsdam) — On Gaußian Heat Kernel Bounds on Graphs with Unbounded Geometry Wed, 19/04/202314:00-15:00
Kazhdan seminar-Lior Yanovski "Descent in algebraic K-theory" Sun, 19/03/202314:00-16:00Location: Ross 70A