Special logic seminar - Elad Levi "Algebraic regularity lemma for hypergraphs" Mon, 19/12/201610:00-12:00Location: Sprinzak 101
Logic Seminar- Itai Ben Yaacov - "Reconstruction for non-aleph0-categorical theories?" Wed, 08/11/201711:00-13:00Location: Math 209
Logic seminar - Andrés Villaveces, "Around non-elementary dependence" Wed, 26/07/201714:00-16:00Location: Ross 70
Logic Seminar - Daoud Siniora - "Automorphism groups of homogeneous structures" Wed, 06/12/201711:00-13:00Location: Math 209
Logic Seminar - Yair Hayut - "Chang's Conjecture at many cardinals simultaneously" Wed, 22/11/201711:00-13:00Location: Math 209
Special logic seminar - Itaï BEN YAACOV, "Baby version of the asymptotic volume estimate" Tue, 27/12/201610:00-12:00Location: Shprinzak 102
Logic Seminar - Omer Ben-Neria - "Singular Stationarity and Set Theoretic Generalizations of Algebras" Wed, 27/12/201711:00-13:00Location: Ross 63
Combinatorics: Shira Zerbib Gelaki (MSRI, U. Michigan) "Colorful coverings of polytopes -- the hidden topological truth behind different colorful phenomena" Thu, 07/12/201712:00-13:00Location: Room 101 in Sprinzak
NT&AG: Nicolas Templier (Cornell University), "Mirror symmetry for minuscule flag varieties" Mon, 29/05/201714:00-15:00Location: Ros70A
Number theory: Andrey Levin (Moscow) "Kronecker double series at CM points and dilogarithm" Mon, 15/02/201614:00-15:00Location: Ross building, 70A
NT&AG: Efrat Bank (University of Michigan), "Correlation between primes in short intervals on curves over finite fields" Mon, 01/01/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Damaris Schindler (Utrecht University), "Systems of quadratic forms" Mon, 21/11/201614:00-15:00Location: Ros Building, 70A
NT&AG: Eyal Goren (McGill University), "p-adic dynamics of Hecke operators" Mon, 27/02/201715:00-16:00Location: Ross 70A
NG&AT: Zev Rosengarten (Stanford University), "Tamagawa Numbers of Linear Algebraic Groups Over Function Fields" Mon, 25/12/201714:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel