NT & AG Seminar: "A dream desingularization algorithm", Michael Temkin (HU) Mon, 13/05/201914:30-16:00Location: Ross 70
Dynamics seminar: Toru Sera (Kyoto) "Multidimensional arcsine law for intermittent interval maps" Tue, 28/05/201914:00-15:00
NT & AG Seminar - Dan Edidin - ``An intrinsic characterization of cofree representations of reductive groups'' Mon, 10/06/201913:00-14:00Location: Ross 70
Anatoly Vershik (St. Petersburg) Соmbinatorial (locally finite) еncoding of the Bernoulli processes with infinite entropy. Tue, 07/05/201914:00-15:00
Group and dynamics seminar: Michael Chapman (HUJI): Cutoff on Ramanujan complexes Thu, 27/06/201910:00-11:15Location: Ross 70
Combinatorics - back to back: Mon, 03/06/201911:00-13:00Location: CS Rothberg bldg, room B-500, Safra campus
Eshnav: Chen Margalit : Siteswap - The mathematics of juggling Wed, 15/05/201918:00-19:15Location: Manchester House, Lecture Hall 2
Combinatorics: Doron Puder (TAU) "Aldous' spectral gap conjecture for normal sets" Mon, 24/06/201911:00-13:00Location: CS bldg, room B-500, Safra campus
Combinatorics: Shira Zerbib (U. Michigan, Iowa State University) "Envy-free division of a cake without the “hungry players" assumption" Mon, 13/05/201911:00-13:00Location: CS bldg, room B-500, Safra campus
Combinatorics: Omri Ben Eliezer (TAU) "Finding patterns in permutations" Mon, 06/05/201911:00-13:00Location: CS building, room B-500, Safra campus
Basic Notions: Ehud de Shalit (HUJI) " Hilbert's 12th problem - recent developments" Thu, 16/05/201916:00-17:15Location: Ross 70
Combinatorics: Eyal Karni (BIU) "Combinatorial high dimensional expanders" Mon, 10/06/201911:00-13:00Location: CS bldg, room B-500, Safra campus
Combinatorics: Uri Rabinovich (U. Haifa) "SOME EXTREMAL PROBLEMS ABOUT SIMPLICIAL COMPLEXES" Mon, 27/05/201911:00-13:00Location: CS Rothberg bldg, room B-500, Safra campus
Basic Notions: Ehud de Shalit (HUJI) " Hilbert's 12th problem - recent developments" Thu, 23/05/201916:00-17:15Location: Ross 70