T&G: Peter Ozsvath (Princeton), Knot Floer homology, algebra, and symplectic geometry Wed, 17/08/202214:00-15:00Location: Room 70, Ross building
Joram Seminar: Totally geodesic subspaces and arithemeticity phenomena in hyperbolic manifolds Thu, 17/06/2021 to Fri, 18/06/2021
Amitsur Seminar: Alon Romano (HUJI) Thu, 07/07/202210:00-11:00Location: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Kazhdan Sunday seminar, Yakov Varshavsky "Geometric Langlands correspondence in the l-adic setting" (80979 in shnaton) Sun, 26/06/202212:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Probability seminar: Amir Dembo (Stanford) - Sparse random graphs with unusually large subgraph counts Thu, 23/06/202213:00-14:00
5th HUJI-BGU Workshop in Arithmetic Mon, 27/06/202210:15-16:45Location: Manchester bldg faculty lounge
T&G: Andrei Caldararu (Wisconsin), Categorical Enumerative Invariants and the $\lambda_g$ conjecture Tue, 05/07/202212:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Logic Seminar - Saharon Shelah Wed, 15/06/202211:00-13:00Location: https://huji.zoom.us/j/89186499242?pwd=Rjl1czhLeGI1L2dRL1E5RXRrbmIvdz09
Basic Notions: David Kazhdan (HUJI) - An extension of the unramified Langlands correspondence to fields of rational functions on curves over local fields II Thu, 16/06/202216:00-17:15Location: Ross 70