Ido Karshon (HUJI) - Search Results Web results Periodicity and decidability of tilings of Z^2 Tue, 31/12/201912:00-13:00
Basic Notions: Yoel Groman (HUJI) "Hamiltonian dynamics and classical mirror symmetry"."" Thu, 12/12/201916:00-17:15Location: Ross 70
Basic Notions: Yoel Groman (HUJI) "Hamiltonian dynamics and classical mirror symmetry". Thu, 19/12/201916:00-17:15Location: Ross 70
Graduate Student Seminar - Noy Soffer - "Large Enough Sets in The Plane Contain (almost) All Triangles Up to Congruence" Hagai Lavner - "Delsarte Linear-Programming Method and Packing Problems" Wed, 27/11/201916:00-18:30Location: Ross 70
Analysis Seminar Dvoretsky Lecture: Sylvia Serfaty (NYU Courant) - Mean Field Limits for Coulomb Dynamics Wed, 15/01/202012:00-13:00Location: Ross 70