Graduate student seminar - Geva Yashfe and Ori Segel Sun, 18/12/202216:00Location: Manchester faculty room
T&G: Joshua Daniels-Holgate (Warwick), Approximation of mean curvature flow with generic singularities by smooth flows with surgery Tue, 06/12/202218:00-19:00Location: Zoom
No Kazhdan seminar on representations of p-adic groups Sun, 11/12/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 and Zoom
Kazhdan seminar (note unusual time): Shai Evra "Arthur's classification of automorphic representations of classical groups" Sun, 11/12/202212:45-13:45Location: Ross 70 and Zoom
Kazhdan seminar on representations of p-adic groups Sun, 18/12/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 and Zoom
Set Theory Seminar: Grigor Sargsyan (IMPAN) - An invitation to inner model theory Wed, 30/11/202213:00-15:00
Dynamics lunch: Omri Solan (HUJI) - Random Domino Tilings and the Arctic Circle Theorem Tue, 29/11/202212:00-13:00Location: Faculty lounge