Topology and Geometry Seminar: Liat Kessler (University of Haifa at Oranim) "Hamiltonian group actions on symplectic four-manifolds" Wed, 21/06/201714:00-14:50Location: Ross 70A.
T&G: Liat Kessler (Cornell and Oranim), Extending Homologically trivial symplectic cyclic actions to Hamiltonian circle actions Tue, 12/09/201712:00-13:00Location: Ross Building Room 70A
Topology & geometry, Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University), "The derived Maurer-Cartan locus" Wed, 15/06/201614:00-15:35Location: Ross building, Hebrew University (Seminar Room 70A)
Topology & Geometry Seminar: Adina Gamse (University of Toronto), "Vanishing relations in the cohomology of the moduli space of parabolic bundles". Tue, 23/05/201713:00-13:50Location: Ross A70.
Dynamics & probability: Naomi Feldheim (Stanford), "New results on zeroes of stationary Gaussian functions" Tue, 22/12/201514:00-15:00Location: Math 209 (Manchester building)
Groups & Dynamics : Ilya Khayutin (HUJI) Thu, 05/11/201509:45-11:00Location: Manchester building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (Room 209)
Dvoretzky lecture 2: Lai-Sang Young (Courant) "Proving the positivity of Lyapunov exponents" Sun, 10/04/201616:00-17:00Location: Lecture hall 2
Groups & dynamics: Robert Hough (IAS) - Mixing and cut-off on cyclic groups Thu, 17/12/201512:00-13:00Location: Einstein 110
Groups & dynamics: Lei Yang (HUJI) "Equidistribution of expanding translates of curves in homogeneous spaces and Diophantine approximation" Thu, 19/11/201510:00-11:00Location: Ross 70
Groups & dynamics: Elon Lindenstrauss (HUJI), "Rigidity of higher rank diagonalizable actions in positive characteristic" Thu, 12/11/201510:00-11:00Location: Ross 70
Dynamics & probability: Asaf Nachmias (Tel Aviv) Tue, 03/11/201514:00-15:00Location: Manchester building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (Room 209)
Dynamics & probability: Zemer Kosloff (Warwick): "A new class of C^1 Anosov diffeomorphims" Tue, 29/12/201514:00-15:00
Dynamics & probability: Brandon Seward (HUJI): "Positive entropy actions of countable groups factor onto Bernoulli shifts" Tue, 08/12/201514:00-15:00Location: Manchester building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (Room 209)
Dynamics seminar: Balazs Barany (HUJI), Dimension of triangular self-affine sets Tue, 06/06/201714:00-15:00
Dynamics seminar: Emmanuel Roy (Paris 13): Ergodic splittings of Poisson processes Tue, 28/02/201714:00-15:00