Copenhagen-Jerusalem Combinatorics Seminar: Miruna-Ştefana Sorea (SISSA)- Poincaré-Reeb Graphs of Real Algebraic Domains Thu, 12/01/202317:15-19:00Location: Zoom
KU-Jerusalem Lunch Seminar: Paul Duncan (HUJI)- Homological Percolation Thu, 05/01/202313:00-14:00Location: Levy 6 Hall and Zoom
Kazhdan seminar: Shai Evra "Arthur's classification of automorphic representations of classical groups" Sun, 01/01/202312:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 and Zoom
Kazhdan seminar on representations of p-adic groups Sun, 01/01/202314:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 and Zoom
T&G: Shira Tanny (IAS), Closing lemmas in contact dynamics and holomorphic curves Tue, 03/01/202318:00-19:00Location: Ross 70
Set theory Seminar: Yair Hayut (HUJI) - The Gluing Property Wed, 28/12/202213:00-15:00Location: Ross 70 and zoom