Set Theory Seminar - Yair Hayut (KGRC) - Partial Strong Compactness Wed, 10/04/201914:00-15:30Location: Ross 63
Manuel Luethi (ETH) : Effective equidistribution of primitive rational points along long horocycle orbits and disjointness to Kloosterman sums Thu, 14/03/201910:00-11:30Location: Ross 70
Analysis Seminar: Malte Gerhold (Technion) "Dilations of q-commuting unitaries" Wed, 03/04/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
T&G: Viatcheslav Kharlamov (Strasbourg), Segre indices, Welschinger weights, and an invariant signed count of real lines on real projective hypersurfaces Tue, 19/03/201913:00-14:30Location: Room 110, Manchester Building, Jerusalem, Israel
Dynamics Seminar: Oren Louidor (Technion) A Scaling limit for the Cover Time of the Binary Tree. Tue, 26/03/201914:15-15:15
Dynamics Seminar: Rene Ruhr (Technion) Counting Saddle Connection on Translation surfaces. Tue, 14/05/201914:00-15:00
Dynamics Seminar: Iftach Dayan (TAU) "Random walks on the 1-dim torus and an application to normal numbers on fractals" Tue, 30/04/201914:15-15:15Location: Ross 70
Set Theory Seminar - Tom Benhamou (TAU), "Projections of Tree-Prikry forcing" Wed, 13/03/201914:00-15:30Location: Ross 63
Set Theory Seminar - Ralf Schindler (Munster), "Paradoxical" sets with no well-ordering of the reals Wed, 27/03/201914:00-15:30Location: Ross 63
Set Theory Seminar - Thomas Gilton (UCLA): Abraham-Rubin-Shelah Open Coloring Axiom with a large continuum Wed, 01/05/201914:00-15:30Location: Ross 63
Dynamics lunch: Jing Zhou "“escaping orbit of some piecewise smooth Fermi acceleration model” Tue, 19/03/201912:00-13:00Location: Manchester faculty club
Dynamics Seminar: Terry Soo (KU) Finitary isomorphism of Bernoulli flows Tue, 12/03/201914:15-15:15Location: Ross 70
Special Analysis Seminar: Dirk Hundertmark (Karlsruhe) "Cwikel's bound reloaded" Wed, 10/04/201914:30-15:30Location: Sprinzak 24