Colloquium: Eyal Goren (McGill) - Complex multiplication - old and new Thu, 09/01/202014:30-15:30Location: Manchester Building (Hall 2), Hebrew University Jerusalem
Colloquium: On hold (TBA) Thu, 14/05/202014:30-15:30Location: Manchester Building (Hall 2), Hebrew University Jerusalem
NT & AG Seminar: Maarten Solleveld (Radboud) "Cuspidal Langlands parameters" Mon, 19/08/201914:00-15:00Location: Ross 70
Analysis Seminar: Mira Shamis (London) "Applications of the Ky Fan inequality to random (and almost periodic) operators" Thu, 15/08/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
NT & AG Seminar: Sandeep Varma "Bernstein projectors for SL(2)" Wed, 07/08/201914:00-15:00Location: Ross 70
Colloquium: Sara Tukachinsky (IAS) - Curves with boundary: Can you count them? Can you really? Thu, 14/11/201914:30-15:30Location: Manchester Building (Hall 2), Hebrew University Jerusalem
T&G: Mikhail Gromov (IHES and Courant), Scalar curvature Wed, 31/07/201914:00-15:00Location: Room B221, Rothberg Building, Jerusalem
Prof. Mikhail Gromov lecture: "Scalar Curvature" Wed, 31/07/201914:00-15:30Location: Room B221, Rothberg Building, Jerusalem
Colloquim (canceled...) Thu, 07/05/202014:30-15:30Location: Manchester Building (Hall 2), Hebrew University Jerusalem
The 23rd Midrasha Mathematicae: o-minimality and its applications in diophantine geometry and Hodge theory Thu, 15/12/2022Location: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Basic Notions: Ron Donagi (University of Pennsylvania) “On singularities of spectral curves and SCFTs of class S” Mon, 05/08/201911:00-12:00Location: Ross 70
Colloquium Zabrodsky lecture 1: Paul Seidel (MIT)- The symplectic topologist as a dynamicist Thu, 19/12/201914:30-15:30Location: Manchester Building (Hall 2), Hebrew University Jerusalem
Colloquium Dvoretzky lecture: Sylvia Serfaty (NYU): Systems of points with Coulomb interactions Thu, 16/01/202014:30-15:30Location: Manchester Building (Hall 2), Hebrew University Jerusalem