Dynamics lunch: Sebastian Donoso (HUJI) - Automorphism groups of low complexity subshifts Tue, 05/01/201612:00-13:00Location: Manchester building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (Coffee lounge)
Dynamics lunch: Yuri Kifer (HUJI) - On Erdos-Renyi law of large numbers and its extensions Tue, 31/05/201612:00-13:00Location: Manchester building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (Coffee lounge)
Dynamics lunch: Ori Gurel Gurevitch (HUJI), Stationary random graphs Tue, 10/05/201612:00-13:00Location: Manchester building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (Coffee lounge)
Dynamics lunch seminar: Brandon Seward (HUJI): Entropy theory for non-amenable groups (part III) Tue, 22/03/201612:00-13:45Location: Ross 70
Topology & geometry, Penka Vasileva (Paris Rive Gauche), "Real Gromov-Witten theory in all genera" Wed, 13/01/201611:00-12:45Location: Ross building, Hebrew University (Seminar Room 70A)
Topology & geometry: Chaim Even Zohar (HUJI), "Invariants of Random Knots" Wed, 04/11/201511:00-12:45Location: Ross building, Hebrew University (Seminar Room 70A)
Topology & geometry, Ailsa Keating (Columbia University), "Homological Mirror Symmetry for singularities of type Tpqr" Wed, 08/06/201611:00-12:45Location: Ross building, Hebrew University (Seminar Room 70A)
Topology & geometry, Egor Shelukhin (IAS), "The L^p diameter of the group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of S^2" Wed, 06/01/201611:00-12:45Location: Ross building, Hebrew University (Seminar Room 70A)
Topology & geometry, Mikhail Katz (Bar Ilan University), "Determinantal variety and bi-Lipschitz equivalence" Wed, 24/02/201611:00-12:45Location: Ross building, Hebrew University (Seminar Room 70A)
Topology & geometry: Pavel Paták (HUJI), "Homological non-embeddability and a qualitative topological Helly-type theorem" Wed, 02/12/201511:00-12:45Location: Ross building, Hebrew University (Seminar Room 70A)
Topology & geometry, Sari Ghanem (Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble I ), "The decay of SU(2) Yang-Mills fields on the Schwarzschild black hole with spherically symmetric small energy initial data" Wed, 06/04/201611:00-12:45Location: Levi building, Hebrew University ( Room 06)
Topology & geometry, Amitai Zernik (Hebrew University), "Fixed-point Expressions for Open Gromov-Witten Invariants - overview and $A_{\infty}$ perspective" Wed, 23/03/201611:00-12:45Location: Ross building, Hebrew University (Seminar Room 70A)
Topology & geometry, Matan Prasma (Radboud University), "Model-categorical cotangent complex formalism" Wed, 20/01/201611:00-12:45Location: Ross building, Hebrew University (Seminar Room 70A)
Topology & geometry: Cy Maor (HUJI), "Limits of elastic energies of converging Riemannian manifolds" Wed, 11/11/201511:00-12:45Location: Ross building, Hebrew University (Seminar Room 70A)
Topology & geometry, Frol Zapolsky (University of Haifa), "On the contact mapping class group of the prequantization space over the Am Milnor fiber" Wed, 09/03/201611:00-12:45Location: Ross building, Hebrew University (Seminar Room 70A)