Dynamics seminar: Emmanuel Roy (Paris 13): Ergodic splittings of Poisson processes Tue, 28/02/201714:00-15:00
Special ergodic theory seminar: Abel Farkas (HUJI), Conditional measure on the Brownian path Thu, 29/06/201710:00-11:00
Special dynamics seminar: Ian Morris (Surrey): Equilibrium states of affine iterated function systems Tue, 16/05/2017Location: Equilibrium states of affine iterated function systems
Dynamics Seminar: Michael Boshernitzan (Rice), "Banach limits associated with Hardy fields" Thu, 09/02/201714:30-15:30
Groups & dynamics: Shmuel Weinberger (Chicago) - Borel and the symmetry of locally symmetric manifolds. II Thu, 10/12/201510:00-11:00Location: Ross building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (Room 70)
Group actions seminar: Ilya Khayutin (IAS/Princeton) - Joint Equidistribution of CM Points Thu, 04/01/201810:30-11:30Location: Ross 70
Groups & dynamics: Shmuel Weinberger (Chicago) - Borel and the symmetry of locally symmetric manifolds. I Thu, 03/12/201510:00-11:20Location: Ross building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (Room 70)
Group actions/dynamics seminar: Sebastián Donoso (University of O'Higgins, Chile) Quantitative multiple recurrence for two and three transformations Thu, 25/05/201710:00-11:00Location: Ross 70
Groups & Dynamics: Jeremy Kahn (Brown University) - Surface Subgroups in Nonuniform Lattices Thu, 21/12/201710:30-11:30Location: Ross 70
Dynamics lunch seminar: Zemer Kosloff (HUJI) "On the Asymptotics of the ranges of random walks, following Kesten-Spitzer, Erdos-Taylor and Flatto and perhaps more" Tue, 31/10/201712:00-13:00Location: Manchester faculty club
Dynamics lunch: Benjy Weiss "Rigidity sequences for weakly mixing transformations" Tue, 28/11/201712:00-13:00
Dynamics lunch: Lei Yang (HUJI) "Proper affine actions and geodesic flows of hyperbolic surfaces" Tue, 10/11/201512:00-13:00Location: Manchester building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (Coffee Lounge)
Dynamics Lunch: Raimundo Briceno (TAU) "A Breiman type theorem for Gibbs measures" Tue, 09/01/201812:00-13:00
Dynamics lunch: Barak Weiss (TAU) - The Veech dichotomy: from non-arithmetic lattices in SL(2,R) to optimal dynamics for certain billiard tables. Tue, 15/12/201512:00-13:45