Colloquium: Barry Simon (Caltech) - "More Tales of our Forefathers" Thu, 28/06/201814:30-15:30Location: Manchester Building (Hall 2), Hebrew University Jerusalem
Colloquium - Zuchovitzky lecture: Lior Yanovski (HUJI) "Homotopy cardinality and the l-adic analyticity of Morava-Euler characteristic" Thu, 14/06/201814:30-15:30Location: Manchester Building (Hall 2), Hebrew University Jerusalem
Amitsur Algebra: Konstantin Golubev (HU) Thu, 21/04/201612:00-13:15Location: Manchester Building (room 209), Jerusalem, Israel
Special seminar: Sylvian Cappell (NYU) "What can be the fixed point sets of a given finite group acting on a non-simply-connected compact space?" Thu, 25/01/201810:30-11:30Location: Ross 70
Amitsur Algebra: Gili Schul (Hebrew U): Rapid expansion in finite simple groups Thu, 07/01/201612:00-13:15Location: Manchester Building (room 209), Jerusalem, Israel
Geometric, Topological and Computational Aspects of High-Dimensional Combinatorics Sun, 22/04/2018 to Thu, 26/04/2018Location: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2-Day Meeting on Infinite Ergodic Theory & Related Fields Tue, 13/02/2018 10:00 to Wed, 14/02/2018 17:00Location: Hebrew University
Amitsur Algebra: Gili Golan, "The generation problem in Thompson group F" Thu, 16/06/201612:00-13:15Location: Manchester Building (room 209), Jerusalem, Israel
Amitsur Algebra: Ayala Byron (HUJI), "Definable fields in the free group" Thu, 07/04/201612:00-13:15Location: Manchester Building (room 209), Jerusalem, Israel
Analysis Seminar: Latif Eliaz "The Essential Spectrum of Schroedinger Operators on Graphs" Wed, 25/04/201812:00-13:00Location: Room 70, Ross Building
Eshnav: Nati Linial - "Games on graphs, elusive properties and a bit of topology and algebra" Wed, 11/12/201318:00-19:00Location: Math 2 (Manchester building)
Eshnav: Dror Bar-Natan - "Knots in 4D and the simplest problem regarding them" Wed, 01/01/201418:00-19:00Location: Math 2 (Manchester building)
Eshnav: Ehud De-Shalit - "P-adic numbers: Really not real" Wed, 05/03/201418:00-19:00Location: Math 2 (Manchester building)
Eshnav: Benjamin Weiss - "The road coloring problem and symbolic dynamics" Wed, 07/05/201418:00-19:00Location: Math 2 (Manchester building)