Analysis seminar: Hans Knüpfer (Heidelberg) — Γ-limit for zigzag domain walls in thin ferromagnetic films Wed, 28/10/202012:00-13:00
Kazhdan seminar: Yoel Groman and Jake Solomon "Stability conditions" Repeats every week every Sunday until Sat Oct 24 2020 . Sun, 18/10/202016:00-18:00
Colloquium: Gilles Francfort (Université Paris 13 and NYU) — Is stability a pertinent concept in solid mechanics? Thu, 07/01/202114:30-15:30
Dynamics Seminar: Ariel Rapaport (Cambridge): Recent Progress on the Exact Overlaps Conjecture Tue, 10/11/202014:00-15:00
Dynamics Seminar: Yuri Lima (UFC) Symbolic dynamics for maps with singularities in high dimension Tue, 17/11/202014:00-15:00
Dynamics Seminar: Jonathan Fraser (St. Andrews): A new perspective on the Sullivan dictionary Tue, 03/11/202014:00-15:00
Colloquium: Or Landsberg (HUJI, Zuchovitzky prize lecture) — Rigidity of horospherically invariant measures and the geometry of hyperbolic 3-manifolds Thu, 19/11/202014:30-15:30
Colloquium: Janos Pach (Rényi Institute, Budapest and MIPT, Moscow) — Erdős, Hajnal, and their relatives Thu, 03/12/202014:30-15:30
Colloquium: Aaron Naber (Northwestern) — Recent advances on the Structure of Spaces with Lower and Bounded Ricci Curvature Thu, 10/12/202014:30-15:30
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique -- Zoom event in honor of Prof. Zalcman Wed, 14/10/202013:00-16:00Location: Zoom
Colloquium: Amit Ophir, HUJI (Tzafriri prize lecture) — Invariant norms on the p-adic Schrödinger representation Thu, 05/11/202014:30-15:30
Analysis seminar: Tracey Balehowsky (Helsinki) — An inverse problem for the relativistic Boltzmann equation Wed, 13/01/202112:00-13:00
Analysis Seminar: Massimiliano Morini (Parma) — The surface diffusion flow with elasticity in two and three dimensions Wed, 25/11/202012:00-13:00Location: Zoom